Unless you have been booked in for urgent treatment, in which case details of this will have been discussed with you, your first visit will involve a general consultation. You will also be asked to complete a Registration and Medical History Form for our records.

A complete and thorough examination of your mouth will be conducted. X-rays may be taken of your teeth and we will talk to you about your general expectations or concerns. Generally, your teeth will be scaled and cleaned and a remineralisation agent will be placed on your teeth. We will also advise and work with you on a strategic preventative dental program based on best-practice oral hygiene and regular scheduled check-ups, to maximise your long-term dental health and minimise unplanned dental emergencies.

If further dental treatment is required, we will fully discuss with you what it entails and the costs associated with the treatment. In some circumstances it may be necessary to have additional consultation appointments to refine your final treatments.