Teeth Grinding and Jaw/Facial Pain
Although the actual cause of a jaw joint (TMJ) disorder is often multifactorial, one of the most common factors is the involuntary clenching, grinding and gnashing of teeth. This can be during the day or at night whilst you are asleep and is generally called Bruxism.
Many people are not aware they do it. Prolonged grinding can cause a number of problems, including excessive wear and loss of tooth structure, and even cracking and loss of teeth. It can also cause wear and tear on your jaw joints leading to jaw joint dysfunction and head and neck pain and discomfort.
Apart from the provision of an occlusal splint, there are number of other considerations that can help in preserving your teeth and in reducing jaw pain.
Please contact us if you believe you grind your teeth and we can discuss possible solutions to maintain your teeth following an examination.